About Us


Keeping the benefits!

The history of the foundation of our enterprise is truly amazing. A story that connects the life paths of a German and a Kazakh.

German Rudolf Storch was captured during the World War II and ended up in Kazakhstan. Due to a severe form of tuberculosis, he was expelled from the camp as a hopelessly ill patient. However, a Kazakh family took care of him, giving Rudolf saumal and kumis. In the post-war period there were no medical supplies and all diseases were successfully treated only with natural drinks. After some time, he recovered and was able to return to Germany, where he began to promote the beneficial properties of mare’s milk and founded a horse farm, where he began to milk horses.

His son-in-law Ganz Zollmann continued his father-in-law’s business and today it is the largest mare milk production in Europe, where mare’s milk is produced and various functional food products and cosmetics are made from. Mr. Zollmann, in order to increase production volumes, came to Kazakhstan several times to find a partner, but apart from promises, all the meetings ended in vain. Kadyrbek Meirambekov since young age dreamed of developing horse breeding in Kazakhstan and to have a large herd of horses like his grandfather once. One day, when he traveled to London, he saw a bottle of kumis in a supermarket and was glad that our Kazakh businessmen were selling our national drink abroad. But on the label, the manufacturer indicated the German company Zollmann Stutenmilch. On the way back home, he and his son stopped by Mr. Zollmann’s farm in Germany and from that moment a successful partnership began.

The saumal plant located in the Karaganda region copies the German plant of Rudolf Storch and was built according to the project of Mr. Zollmann, who agreed to sell the milk processing technology and act as the chief technologist-consultant of the project.

This project combined and realized all the advantages of German technology, high quality standards, as well as the unique traditions of our ancestors and the natural potential of Kazakhstan.

In Europe, clinical studies have been carried out and the beneficial properties of mare’s milk have been scientifically proven due to the natural balanced composition.

Today, more than 40 European farms produce mare milk and make food and cosmetics from it.

Impressive scale of production:

Pasture area
Arable land that allows us to form our own forage base
Freeze-dried mare milk per year
Mare milk per day
Work places

Factory today

Horse care

The SAUMAL® plant is a combination of respect for animals and modern technologies. The horses of the Kazakh breed Jabe are being trained and accustomed to mechanized milking.

From evening to morning, horses graze with foals in natural pastures. In the morning, the milking herd comes to the plant for 5 times during the day.

We get a maximum of 3 liters from one mare per day to leave most quantity of milk to cattle. This process is controlled by a computer system. In between milking, the horses receive feed and go to pasture in the evening.

Unique Location

The SAUMAL® plant is located in the ecologically clean Osakarovsky district of the Karaganda region and borders the natural reserve – the national park “Buyratau”, which provides a rich biologically active composition of milk and ecological purity.