Saumal is a fresh mare’s milk, sweetish in taste. From Saumal by the way of fermentation, the famous drink of nomadic peoples named koumiss is obtained. Our ancestors, with a shortage of mother’s milk, replaced it with a mare, and also used it for medical purposes.
Mare’s milk has a special biochemical composition and if it does not start to be processed within 2-3 hours, it begins to lose its beneficial properties. The German company Zollman Stutenmilch Gmbh, the largest producer of mare’s milk powder in Europe, has been developing drying technology for more than 50 years. We purchased the most advanced freeze-drying technology for mare’s milk from it’s company. With this technology, the powder quickly dissolves in water and the reconstituted milk is identical to freshly milked, it practically does not change its nutritional and biological value, structure, color and smell.
If you make the calculations, then 200 ml of reconstituted milk from our powder is not more expensive than a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a cup of good coffee, but has positive effect on the body, which is much more valuable. Its high cost is explained by the following factors:
• The mare produces 10-12 liters of milk per day. We follow German standards of taking care for animals and get a maximum of 3 liters per day from a mare, the rest goes to foal.
• When processing 10 liters of milk, only about 1 kg of freeze-dried powder is obtained
• To preserve the useful properties and quality of the product, we use expensive energy-intensive German sublimators. One sublimation cycle, from laying the milk into the sublimator to receiving the powder, takes about 50 hours.
• To preserve all the properties during storage, multilayer aluminum vacuum packaging is used.
• Product cost is also affected by limited production.
• The mare produces 10-12 liters of milk per day. We follow German standards of taking care for animals and get a maximum of 3 liters per day from a mare, the rest goes to foal.
• When processing 10 liters of milk, only about 1 kg of freeze-dried powder is obtained
• To preserve the useful properties and quality of the product, we use expensive energy-intensive German sublimators. One sublimation cycle, from laying the milk into the sublimator to receiving the powder, takes about 50 hours.
• To preserve all the properties during storage, multilayer aluminum vacuum packaging is used.
• Product cost is also affected by limited production.
Numerous physico-chemical and clinical studies have been carried out by both Kazakhstani and international laboratories and institutes. All of them confirm that all beneficial properties and active components are preserved in sublimated mare’s milk. You can look at more detailed information here.
About 0.5 liters can be obtained from 0.5 kg of poweder mare’s milk.
SAUMAL is packaged in a food-grade, seven-layer, vacuum bag. One of the layers of the bag is aluminum foil, which allows consumer to store the powder for 24 months from the date of production in a dry place at a temperature of -20˚C to + 27˚C. After opening the vacuum packaging, it is advisable to use it within 20 days. Store the opened bag in a cool, dry place with the bag zip closed.
SAUMAL can be ordered on the site, as well as purchased in pharmacies, sports stores and supermarkets. You can look at sales points on the website
According to the leading scientists of Kazakhstan, as well as their European colleagues, Saumal has absolutely incredible potential in the treatment of the most common diseases of the digestive system. It is considered a therapeutic product and is used in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders, as a means of preventing colds and contributing to the prevention of cancer. Mare’s milk improves blood circulation, increases male potency, accelerates the process of organ regeneration, regulates immune status, and slows down the aging process.
There is only one contraindication: it is impossible to use with individual intolerance (milk allergy). Milk allergy is a reaction of the body to the milk protein casein. Some people react negatively to cow’s milk, but they normally tolerate mare’s milk. Others cannot consume any dairy products. Mare’s milk in its composition similar to breast milk. Mare and breast milk belong to the albumin group, since have more whey proteins than casein proteins, and therefore they are easily digested.
On the first day, some people may experience looseness. However, as the body and the enzyme system adapt to milk, this effect ceases. It usually takes 3-5 days.
The cause of these unpleasant sensations after drinking milk may be lactase deficiency, congenital and/or acquired, when a person has a decrease in the level of the lactase enzyme. However, as the body adapts, unpleasant sensations will pass, usually within 5 days.
To dry our product, we use sublimation according to German technology. Sublimation is a method of drying products in which deep freezing is first made up to – 55 degrees. Then there is heating to 30 degrees and at the same time a vacuum is applied, due to which water is removed and the product passes from a solid to a powder state, bypassing the liquid phase. The entire sublimation cycle takes 50 hours. Such drying preserves all the useful properties of the product. Cow’s milk is spray dried at high temperature.
Yes, we pasteurize our milk on European equipment by the method of short-term gentle heating up to 72 degrees for 15 seconds. This is enough to kill all the pathogenic bacteria that may be in milk. If you use unpasteurized milk, dangerous bacteria can enter the body and instead of the therapeutic effect, you can get health problems.
No, Saumal is not a medicine, it is a functional food. Functional nutrition is food products, the use of which has a positive effect of their components on the human body. Our product is a unique natural complex of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements.
Like all vitamin complexes, our product should be consumed in courses of 1-3 months, preferably 2 times a year. Only then you will get a real positive result of the influence of Saumal on your health. Short-term use of Saumal will not allow you to get a lasting effect. Some people drink prophylactically daily and year-round.
We recommend the following dosages:
• For various diseases, depending on the severity, it is necessary to consume Saumal in an amount of 200-250 ml three to five times a day half an hour before meals.
• For prevention and general recovery, you can drink 200-250 ml once a day in the morning half an hour before breakfast.
• Children from 6 months can be given 50-150 ml several times a day Since mare’s milk contains biologically active components that can cause an allergic reaction, we recommend that you first try a little powder with a spoon and look at the body’s reaction. At the beginning of use, you can start with small doses of 50-100 ml. Different organisms have different effects on mare’s milk. During the first five days, stool relaxation is possible, but this disappears as the body adapts.
• For various diseases, depending on the severity, it is necessary to consume Saumal in an amount of 200-250 ml three to five times a day half an hour before meals.
• For prevention and general recovery, you can drink 200-250 ml once a day in the morning half an hour before breakfast.
• Children from 6 months can be given 50-150 ml several times a day Since mare’s milk contains biologically active components that can cause an allergic reaction, we recommend that you first try a little powder with a spoon and look at the body’s reaction. At the beginning of use, you can start with small doses of 50-100 ml. Different organisms have different effects on mare’s milk. During the first five days, stool relaxation is possible, but this disappears as the body adapts.
The classic taste of mare’s milk can be achieved by dilution with warm water 1:10. For example, 2-3 tablespoons is 20-25 grams of the product, respectively, diluted with 200-250 ml of warm water. Water can be added more or less to taste. Saumal can be eaten with spoons, add to cooled cereals, yoghurts, kefir, make fruit smoothies. The main thing is to avoid strong heat.
There are already more than 40 mare milk producers in Europe. Manufacturers are located in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, Holland, Italy. Mare’s milk is produced in frozen, natural, freeze-dried, capsule and tablet form. Cosmetic products, such as soaps, creams, shampoos, shower gels, are also produced on the basis of mare’s milk. In the US, a Belgian company sells freeze-dried milk capsules for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. In Spain, for example, about 240 stores sell frozen mare’s milk. Prices for a similar freeze-dried product in Europe reach 700 euros per 1 kg
As you know, our ancestors always gave saumal to children. Saumal was even considered a baby drink and many adults did not drink mare’s milk, but preferred koumiss. It is proved that in its composition, mare’s milk is as close as possible to the breast milk among all milk of animal origin. Due to the lactose content, mare’s milk is quite sweet and children like it. For infants, of course, the best nutrition is breast milk. But statistics say that about 30% of women do not breast-feed for various reasons. Milk formulas made from cow or goat milk are good substitutes, but often milk casein gives an allergic reaction. In such cases, we recommend trying our product, which contains much less casein and more proteins of the albumin group and therefore is less allergenic. For children from 6 months we recommend daily use of Saumal in the form of complementary foods after consulting a pediatrician. Dr. Rene Madline, Specialist in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Head of Pediatric Neurology at the Filderstad Clinic in Germany, assigns mare’s milk to premature babies. The Institute of Baby Nutrition at the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a study of our product and concluded that 70% of what an infant needs is in SAUMAL. More detailed information on the composition of Saumal can be found on the website.
People with individual intolerance to dairy products may have an allergic reaction, as mare’s milk has biologically active components. We recommend that you first try Saumal in limited quantities.
We recommend that pregnant women include Saumal in the diet. Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, our product will be very beneficial for the health of women and the fetus. The presence of folic acid in Saumal is particularly beneficial. Studies have shown that daily intake of folic acid several months before pregnancy in 80% of cases reduces the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus.
Does Saumal help with an alcoholic hangover? Saumal helps very well with an alcoholic hangover, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C and B vitamins. Vitamin C is a good antioxidant and removes free radicals from the body, and B vitamins help the liver cope with the load. We recommend to drink 200 ml of Saumal before partying, and then drink another 200 ml after returning home. In the morning, you can drink another 200 ml and you will not feel the usual headaches and malaise.
Saumal has been shown to be effective for an older people. Saumal contains such a free amino acid as tryptophan, which determines the production of the “hormone of happiness” – seratonin. As you know, seratonin is also can be found in chocolate. This hormone improves mood, relieves stress and fights depression. Almost all older clients noticed an improvement in sleep and appetite. Due to the probiotic properties of Saumal, the digestion and assimilation of food are improved. Customers feel a surge of energy.
We note the rapid recovery of people after surgery and injuries. We recommend that consumer take Saumal before and after surgery. The immune system is strengthened and hemoglobin is quickly restored.
It is not recommended to take mare’s milk during radiation therapy, as it is based on oxidation processes, and mare’s milk has strong antioxidant properties. Before and after radiation therapy, mare’s milk can be useful for preparing the body so that it can successfully cope with radiation therapy and help the body recover quickly. Mare’s milk can significantly help restore intestinal microflora, which is seriously damaged by such an aggressive treatment. Mare’s milk can accelerate the processes of restoration of the body and healthy intestinal microflora, as well as accelerate the body’s defenses. With chemotherapy, among other side effects there are such as nausea, lack of appetite and decreased immunity. It is with these side effects that the mare’s milk can help. Restoring intestinal microflora can improve peristalsis, as well as reduce gastrointestinal discomfort and nausea. Due to the high content of lysozyme, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins and biologically active peptides, mare’s milk significantly helps to strengthen the immune system.
Mare’s milk contains polyunsaturated fats such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, the amino acid methionine, vitamins B3 (nicotinic acid) and B5 (pantothenic acid) – all these substances actively contribute to lowering blood cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure.
Despite the fact that mare’s milk contains more sugar than cow’s milk, diabetics can consume it. Keep in mind that milk is taken in small quantities, so the total amount of sugar you get when you consume a daily dose of mare’s milk is also insignificant. For unknown reasons, in some cases, the consumption of mare’s milk lowered the level of insulin needed. Therefore, in order to determine whether insulin is required, constant glycemic control is required.
Saumal contains very useful albumin proteins, which are very quickly absorbed by the body and nourish it, which is important during physical exertion. Also in Saumal there are a lot of trace elements that quickly restore the body.
The anti-inflammatory effect of mare’s milk can help reduce intestinal inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease. In addition, the prebiotic effect of mare’s milk can help maintain a healthy intestinal flora and thus help prevent new relapses. The content of butyrate in mare’s milk helps keep colonocytes (colon epithelial cells) in good shape, which helps prevent exacerbation of the disease.
Mare’s milk has a rejuvenating and restorative effect on the body, it is able to normalize metabolism, has hematopoietic properties and improves blood composition, the work of the cardiovascular system. And accordingly, it affects male potency in the best way, increases reproductive ability and sexual activity.
For the production of Saumal, Kazakh horses of the Jabe breed are used.
There are 2,500 milking mares.
Unlike farms where stall keeping is supposed, our horses are in a natural habitat, which is great for raising horses and getting mare’s milk of excellent quality. A full range of zootechnical work is being carried out to maintain the mares in good health. It has its own farm for the production of feed. A modern laboratory controls the quality of products at all stages. We follow German standards for taking care for animals, receiving only the right amount of milk.
Our company is located in the Osakarovsky district of the Karaganda region. The company has 30,000 hectares of pastures located in an ecologically clean area and bordering the State National Natural Park “Buyratau”.
In the production of SAUMAL, modern sublimation technology of the German company Zollmann Stutenmilch Gmbh is used. All technological equipment, which includes a milking machine, pasteurizers, sublimators, drinking bowls and pipelines, was purchased from the best European manufacturers. The company even brings multilayer aluminum packaging from Germany for reliable product preservation.