About us
Saving the benefits!
Fresh mare milk retains its beneficial properties and composition only for several hours after milking. We use the German technology of vacuum sublimation, which allows us to transfer milk into a dry form, fully preserving its unique composition and medicinal properties.
The technological equipment used at the enterprise from European manufacturers allows us to strictly adhere to all modes of milk processing and fully comply with environmental and sanitary standards.
1 Process of Milking
Milking of mares is carried out in special milking complexes and is fully mechanized. Milk from the milking machines goes through pipelines to the processing shop. After the primary filtration, milk is poured into tanks and cooled to + 4 degrees. Then the milk is “gently” pasteurized by instant heating up to +72 degrees, holding for 15 seconds and rapid cooling to +4 degrees. This prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the milk and extends the shelf life.
At each stage of SAUMAL® production, laboratory control is carried out up to five times a day.
The peculiarity of milking equipment is that milk does not have contact with air. This prevents it from fermentation and ensures the hygienic safety of production.

2 Sublimation process
Pasteurized and chilled milk is poured into freeze dryers. The essence of vacuum sublimation is that milk is frozen and under certain conditions ice, bypassing the liquid phase, evaporates, and we get the finished product in dry form, i.e. there is a kind of canning of mare’s milk with the help of negative temperatures.
The whole process takes place without the addition of any third-party chemical elements, stabilizers, preservatives and others.
From the moment the milk is poured into the sublimator to the finished product, it usually takes about 50 hours of continuous operation of the sublimators. Therefore, this method is very energy consuming and the cost of the final product is much higher than with traditional drying.
From 10 liters of mare’s milk, about
1 kilogram of SAUMAL®!

3 Reliable packaging
After freeze-drying, milk powder is very quickly placed in a multi-layer sealed vacuum package, which protects the product from moisture, air and light.
The vacuum bag, in turn, is placed in a waterproof cardboard tube, which protects it from mechanical damage.
The unique properties of mare’s milk are very fragile, so we use the most reliable packaging that preserves all the properties and qualities of mare’s milk unchanged.
One 500 gram can of SAUMAL® produces
about 5 liters of milk!